With Henry's 1st birthday quickly approaching, I want to share some thoughts about our past year.
You see, Norah was only 7 months old when we found out that we were 6 weeks pregnant with Henry. I was still nursing Norah 5 times a-day, swaddling her everytime she went to sleep, she had just recently started eating rice cereal and she was still very immobile. I was not ready to get pregnant and Norah was still so very
very little. So, when I found out we were expecting, I cried. I felt like it was way too soon, like I wouldn't be able to love another baby the way I loved Norah. My heart was already so full, was there room for another baby? I was overwhelmed. Joel was super excited. He is a very wise man and he knew from the get-go that God would provide. God would provide the love, the energy, the money, the healthy, happy baby. God was at work gifting us with a sweet little boy and I was... ungrateful.
Even though I was initially ungrategul, I immediately felt love for Henry. That love multiplied every single day. At 14 weeks, I felt Henry kick and I REALLY looked forward to meeting him and introducing him to Norah. I looked forward to teaching him about God, loving on him and telling him, "I love you more than you know." I had a feeling I was carrying a boy, even though Joel and I talked about how nice it would be to have a second girl since they would be only 15 months apart. When we found out we were having a boy, it echoed in my ear "God has an incredible plan." I teared up driving home from the doctors appointment.... this time I wasn't overwhelmed with fear or anxiety but, complete happiness. The ultrasound looked great and this baby was healthy.
Last October Henry came bursting into our lives weighing 10 pounds 5 ounces, 22 inches long, perfectly healthy. This baby was what we needed. God knew that. I did not. I get goosebumps and watery eyes, just thinking about how much we love and adore Henry.
On a lighter note:
Henry is as strong as an ox: holding him when he's trying to get away will always end in a sweat.
He is loud.
He has an obnoxious laugh.
His smile is among the biggest I've seen.
He's an early-riser. And sometimes he still wakes us up at night. Then, I tell Joel, "I'll give you one million dollars if you help Henry." He goes and helps Henry, returns and says, "I'll take my money in the form of apple-cider donuts from Tanners Orchard."
Holding Henry in church is like wrestling an alligator. Seriously, I wake up sore on Monday.
somewhat of a vicious hair-puller.
In the morning, after I nurse him, he lays in bed between Joel and I, while we both cling to 2.5 more minutes of glorious sleep. At this point Henry usually does his best impression of a torpedo. He sets his body perpendicular to ours' and spins, only stopping to kick Joel directly in the face or slam my cell-phone against my head. It's great fun.
Henry can eat like no other. He usually clears his tray then, finishes Norah's too!
He's usually screaming for his food before we can finish our dinner prayer.
He's like an octopus in the bathtub. Giving the kids a bath is not a task Joel and I fight for. The "lucky one" gets the job of cleaning the kitchen during bathtime.
He adores Norah. Follows her around the house, gives her hugs and kisses and, even lets her put necklaces on him.
Sometimes putting him in his carseat is like putting a cat in the bathtub. I'm not kidding.
He's a mama's boy. I love putting my arms out and watching him come running in for a big hug.
He's a little comedian. Sometimes he crawls across the floor with his face in the carpet like an ant-eater just because he knows it will make us laugh.
I would be lying if I said he was the most easy-going baby but, he's still a joy and we wouldn't trade him or his wild personality for anything. God was spot-on(as usual) when he blessed us with Henry.
And to the Skalet family, last night Joel said he thinks Henry's going to be a "busy" boy. You know what that means!
If you have a few minutes, would you please commit to the
40 Days for Life campaign devotional for
Day 2. I love the prayer at the bottom of the page. You can find it