I recently returned from my very first trip to Florida to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Daddy had about two weeks off from work so we were able to travel for about ten days. When we left Illinois, we first went over to the Giffey's house in Tennessee to spend a night and see Aunt Gail's growing belly. :) Her baby was due to arrive on January 1st so they were unable to make the ten hour drive down to Florida. Christmas Eve morning we got up bright and early (5:30am) and hit the road. We were so excited to celebrate Jesus' birth with Daddy's side of the family! I got pretty tuckered out on the trip and I didn't even stay up to open gifts! Watch out Christmas 2010, I'll be helping everyone open gifts.:) On Christmas day we went over to my Aunt Laura's house and she made an amazing breakfast. Later that day Aunt Joy had everyone over for a delicious turkey dinner (Mom and Dad said it was delicious). I had such a blast playing with my cousins Abigail and Baby Keith and I can't wait to see them again real soon.
When we left Florida, we were able to stop over at the Giffey's for a couple more days and hang out with Travis, Gail, and the boys. Joy, Tony, Abigail, and Grandma Brenda traveled up to Tennessee with us too.We thought for sure we would be rushing back to visit the forth Giffey son at the hospital but, he was having a pretty good time in Aunt Gail's tummy so I'll have to meet him another time. :)
Here are a few pictures from my time in Florida.

I really missed Grandpa Keith.

Aunt Joy is always up for some cuddle time with me. :)

Aunt Laura had such a beautiful Christmas tree. I can't wait to help Mommy decorate our tree next year!

After all the excitement, Daddy and Mommy took me back to Grandma's house to take a nap.

Here I am with my Great-uncle Orin. He lives down in Florida too and this was my first time meeting him.

Here's Daddy with his brother Keith. Keith took Mom and Dad on a tour through the orange groves down there on four-wheelers. They had a great time and were happy to hang out with Keith.

Daddy was hanging out at the orange packing house so Mommy took me out there when I woke up from my nap. See how happy he is to see me!?!
We had such a great time in Florida for Christmas and we can't wait to go back. Thank you to everyone for making my very first Christmas so special.