
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy 80th Birthday Great-Grandma!!!

My Great-grandma Lottie recently turned 80!!! I told Mom and Dad I wouldn't miss her birthday party so, we hoped in the pickup and traveled up to North Dakota. This may sound like no big deal but, as some of you know the pickup is small and doesn't have seats in the back. Mom decided she would make a bed and catch up on zzzz's. I had another agenda though, I wanted to play and after about 8 hours in the carseat I wanted to get in back and sleep with Mommy. We made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house around 12:30 am and Mom and Dad let me stay up and open a couple presents that Grandma had got me for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Seriously, presents for every holiday. :)

We had an absolute blast even though it was a very short weekend trip. So many loved ones drop what their doing to come visit us when we come home and we are so thankful for you all.
Thank you so much for the gift Danny and Laura, and the wrapping paper was delicious!!
I sure do miss my Grandpa Mike.
Here, Grandpa is serenading me with his harmonica. Sounds great!!
Danny was even singing, "Mary Had a Little Lamb." While we were home we got to see Aunt Allison play basketball. She is a great player and I can't wait to see her play again.
Here I am with Aunt Laurie at the birthday party.
Connor is really good at playing "peek-a-boo"
Here's Grandma with all seven of her kids.
And, here's Grandma with her grandkids. Excuse me, did someone forget to put some punch in my cup?
I love cuddling with Grandma... I sure wish they lived closer.....

A great time was had by all on our trip. I slept more on the way back to Illinois; those Scholand's must've really tired me out!!! :)

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