
Friday, April 30, 2010

9 Months Old!!!

I can almost smell the frosting on my birthday cake!!! Only 3 months and I'll be a whole year old??!! This past month has been a very busy but, amazing month for our family. I started to dance when I hear music, I can now wave bye-bye, I double-fist cheerio's on a daily basis, and I've become very ticklish. I have mastered crawling in reverse but, haven't figured out going forward yet. I always get to my destination though.... eventually.

I had my 9 month checkup and my doctor said I was a bit small for my age. I weigh 16 lb. 8oz. which puts me in the 12th percentile and I'm 27 inches long which puts me in the 30th percentile for height. My head is in the 66th percentile so that's why Mommy has so much trouble getting my shirts over my head. After we left the doctor's office we picked up some apple and pear juice, some gerber puffs, cheerios, and lots of good baby food. I caught on to eating cheerios and puffs right away and Mom sometimes needs to remind me to eat one at a time.
My first time snacking on cheerios. Yummy.I'm also making Daddy and Mommy laugh everyday with my silly face expressions.SUPER NORAH!!!! Dad found this hanky and thought it would look good on me. Do you think I look like a super-hero?

I even help Mom knit!! I help take the yarn off the skain and sometimes I surprise Mom when she gets to a wet section of yarn!!! Oops, sorry about that....Don't worry, I wasn't upset, this is just another one of my very silly faces. :) I stay busy playing and with toys and scooting around the house.The weather has been so nice here, we've been able to go for walks almost every night. This particular night we walked over to a McDonalds and got shakes. Daddy put his pepsi in one of my stroller cupholders and sure enough, I showed him how far I can reach and I poured the whole pepsi on myself. I didn't cry though and Mom didn't mind carrying me all the way home. We were both soaked and hopped in the bathtub right away.

I don't have any other teeth yet besides my bottom two but, by the amount of drool on this shirt it looks like I may have more soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Norah Seems like you have been quite a busy girl lately. you look so beautiful in all your pictures, it looks like your hair is getting longer. Danny and I can't wait to find out if you have having a brother or sister. We can't wait to see you again and we hope you get better real soon. Be good for your mommy and daddy we love you!
    Uncle Danny & Aunt Laura
