
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two Weeks Old!

Our little guy is now two weeks old! Each day we see more and more of his personality and he becomes more alert. He loves to follow Norah with his eyes which can be quite a task... she's pretty quick these days! Henry had his checkup yesterday which went very well. He now weighs 11 pounds 9 ounces(99th percentile) and measures 22.5 inches long (96th percentile). He now weighs 6 ounces more than Norah did when she was 3 months old! He had some jaundice when we brought him home so the pediatrician told me to nurse him every 2 hours. Now he nurses about every 3 hours during the day and usually wakes to eat around 2am and 6am during the night. He still sleeps a lot during the day which you can see from these pictures...
Catching some z's.

Right after Norah eats breakfast I change her diaper and dress her for the day. Well, the past few days there's been Norah laying on the blanket getting changed and then Henry lying right beside her waiting for his turn. She chuckles as she sees him flailing his arms in the air and kicking his little legs. More than once have I tried to put a size 4 diaper on Henry and a size 1 diaper on Norah. Dirty diapers and laundry are plentiful these days but, I don't mind one bit.... for I know that Joel and I are living out the best days of our lives.

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