
Thursday, February 24, 2011

All is well.

At the kids' well baby visits, I mean.

Henry's consistently sticking with his football/hockey player stature coming in at 18lbs.5oz. which is the 96th percentile and measuring 26.5inches long which puts him in the 93rd percentile for his height.
At Henry's 2 month visit in December, his pediatrician had suggested that we see a specialist for Henry's head which was looking just a bit lobsidded. They set up an appointment for March 7th and told us to reposition him to lay on his right side, hold him more and get him on his tummy as much as possible. The specialist appointment would be to basically determine if Henry would need a helmet to help reshape his head. So..... we've been repositioning him, carrying him around in the Bjorn more and most importantly: praying like warriors! At his 4 month checkup last week, his doctor said he looked like a different baby and we should feel comfortable canceling the appointment. Praise God! Let that be reiterated: Praise God! We'll continue with the repositioning, holding him a crazy amount, and prayer. Although... carrying the big boy around may have landed Joel and I in chiropractic care for the rest of our lives!

Norah's weighing in at 24lbs. 9oz. (48th percentile) and measuring 32in. long (50th percentile). She is doing very well too. Now she's learning her colors; if you could hear her say white("ite") or blue("boo") your heart would melt! She's also learning to share with her little bro. This is proving to be quite difficult at times... I think it's because her little bro is so jolly and funloving that he makes sucking on toys look like fun. He makes it look so fun that I've even started chewing on teething rings! just kidding.

The older these two get, the happier I get that their so close in age. I'm getting so excited for this summer; to watch them play outside in their kiddie pool, to pull them around in the wagon and, especially for our evening bike rides and trips to the park! But, for now we're happy to be inside on the cold days. Cuddling, coloring, wearing our pjs all day and drinking hot cocoa are just fine for us now. All is well.

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