We're still coloring everyday, Norah started getting bored with just coloring on the tablet so we've been going to sesamestreet.org and printing out coloring pages for her. It's pretty intense watching her wait for the page to drop out of the printer. I compare the excitement to Game 7 of the World Series. You know.... 9th inning, bases loaded, two outs, game tied at 2....
These kids love playing outside together. Norah pulls Henry in the wagon, stopping every-so-often to walk back to him and check on him and give him a kiss.
Father/daughter jam session before bed.... melts my heart...
Henry may have been doing "the worm" in the picture above. He has some crazy dance moves that I need to capture with the video camera. That's the only way you're gonna believe me... seriously, who taught him the moves?
Apple cider donut from Tanner's Apple Orchard.... mmmmm
Henry's a very serious boy....
NAH.... only kidding! He's usually all smiles!
These next two pictures accurately portray each kid's personality...
Our little wild man!
We were not going to let summer past us by without teaching the kids the important things like.... drinking from the hose!
Henry will be walking any. day. now. Did I seriously just type that?!?! He's walked about 3 feet on his own and we are so excited for our little guy. We love celebrating these amazing milestones! And speaking of milestones.....
Norah went potty yesterday on the potty!! WOOP WOOP!!! There was lots of clapping and cheering and dancing. She's been showing interest so... operation potty training is FULL SPEED AHEAD. Great job Norah!
Good Monday morning! This is how Henry sometimes has his paci when I go in his room, to get him up for the day.
Norah and I made a t-shirt necklace which turned out pretty cool. Tutorial can be found here.
As you maybe guessed from the pictures, we are absolutely LOVING watching our kids grow. Everyday, they're doing something new and exciting and, I feel truly blessed to be there just to witness these beautiful moments. Norah's speech is getting clear and she's such a beautiful little girl. Henry's happy and independent but, still a mama's boy. He likes to cuddle with me with his cheek pressed against mine and his little hands holding onto the back of my hair(usually doesn't end well). I look at these kids and I see Jesus dwelling within them.... it's a great and often times overwhelming feeling!
27 I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. 28 So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD.” 1Samuel 1:27-28
so cute~~they look like they are best friends already! i love the pic with norah's hair in pigtails...so cute!